Air-Row Fans

The Versatile Secret Weapon for Vestibule Entrances

Supermarkets and retail stores often grapple with the inconvenience of cold, wet entrances, necessitating frequent mopping to ensure customer safety. The DA-248 fan offers a flexible solution to address air movement challenges, especially useful for drying floors and altering the conditions at vestibule entrances.

The Air-Row DA-248 is an independent register capable of being installed along any section of the ductwork to rectify issues with air distribution. Advantages for vestibule entrances encompass maintaining dry floors and achieving more uniform temperatures.

Cold, wet entrances are a nuisance to supermarkets and retail stores, as constant mopping becomes a necessity to protect the safety of customers. The DA-248 fan is a versatile solution for correcting air movement issues anywhere, particularly in drying floors and changing the environment of vestibule entrances.

An Air-Row Fan solution for vestibule entrances has proven successful in stores all across the country in warming vestibule entrances and keeping floors dry. Accidents and falls due to slippery entrances cost retail stores millions of dollars each year. With the addition of fans to keep floors dry, Air-Row Fans has developed a solution for the point of most accidents — the store entrance.

Beyond vestibule entrances, Air-Row’s DA-248 helps to —

  • Achieve zonal balances
  • Address issues related open-coffin, multi-deck aisles
  • Augment starving long-runs